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DST/SPA 312 (Hamilton): Finding Articles

Articles from a Language Perspective

Try entering your search like this:
On the top search box enter exactly like this: (deaf* OR "sign language")
On the lower search box enter your country, but put a star at the end to catch variations, like this example: german*

Using the * will catch results that have German Sign Language in them, as well as "deaf education in Germany." We used this same tactic on the top box with deaf* which will catch both deaf and deafness.

If you are unsure where to put the star for your country, please call, text, or email me using my contact info on the home page, and I will help you with this.

Articles from Other Perspectives

We will search additional databases by clicking the blue "Choose Databases" link above the text boxes and then add in these additional databases from the checklist that appears:

  • PsychINFO
  • Education Research Complete
  • Communication and Mass Media Complete

Adding these databases will help us find articles about deafness, deaf culture, and sign languages from a psychological, educational and communication perspective.

Choose databases screenshot

Search Tip: Use the Find It! Button

Most databases do not have the actual journal articles housed on them, some databases, like Academic Search Complete will have some of them.  Instead, they usually just contain information about the article.  Some databases will allow you to search full-text only, but beware that you are not searching all the articles that we subscribe to.

If you don't find an item as full-text in the database you're searching, use the "Find It" button to cross-search other databses for that same item.  You may discover that we have electronic access to that material after all.