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The Miami Digital Humanities Forum: Miami DH Forum 2024

Miami Digital Humanities Forum 2023

The 2024 Miami Digital Humanities Forum
320 King Library, Tuesday April 16, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
2:00-3:00 pm - Speaker presentations and Q&A
3:00-4:00 pm - Reception

Robbyn Abbitt, GIS Coordinator & Associate Director, Geospatial Analysis Center
"Mapping Oxford Cemetery - A Town & Gown Collaboration"

Tim Lockridge, Associate Professor, English
"Writing, Technologies, and the Problems with Schooling"

Stephen Norris, Directory of the Havighurst Center, Walter E. Havighurst Professor
"The Maidan Revolution in Photographs: Curating a Digital Archive"

Iñaki Prádanos, Professor and Chair, Spanish & Portuguese
“Why the Environmental Humanities Matter to Understand the Deep Impacts of AI"

Each year, the Miami University Digital Humanities Forum brings together students and faculty from across the disciplines to consider how digital tools and methods can support research and teaching related to human culture and values.


If you have questions or suggestions about the forum please email Mark Dahlquist ( or Katie Gibson (